Indie Black Young Adult Book Review Request Form

Hi!  On my Instagram page, I typically dedicate Tuesdays to book talks and reviews by supporting other Black independent authors. This month, I’ve decided to support Black Young Adult authors and their books. As a YA lover and writer myself, I know that YA doesn’t always get a whole lot of love, particularly since reviews often come from adults and not the target audience, so sometimes exposure can be limited. So, I am looking to spread the exposure of Black indie YA books with FREE reviews of your requested book across multiple review sites. I am only reviewing FOUR books for the month of August and into September, so it’s 1st come, 1st serve. If you’ve requested after the first four, I still may get to you at another time.

If you’re struggling to see if your book falls into the YA category, please visit this link for more information.

If you are interested, please review the following conditions before submitting your request:

1. You must be following Books By Janee on Instagram or Facebook
2. You are a Black indie author
3. Required Genres: YA Romance, YA Realistic, YA Dystopian, YA Mystery, YA Horror…  (I’m sorry, but I can’t really get into YA Fantasy right now. I’m a book reviewer for the International Literacy Association Book Awards, and the fantasy submissions are aplenty. I’m not really interested in reading any more fantasies than I have to, I’m fantasy burnt out.)

4. Be on Kindle Unlimited or be willing to send me a digital copy of your book.

5. Must be willing to read/review/support my work. I am a firm believer that you give support to get it. If I am reading, reviewing, supporting, recommending, and sharing your work, my hope is to build an authentic community/partnership in which we support each other. I’m not saying you need to read all my books or review them all (although reviews are the ultimate gift), but at the very least, if I post something about my books (sales, release dates, cover reveals, etc), you should be willing to share it if I am taking the time to read, take your work seriously, and share it with my nearly 1500 followers.

If you are chosen, I will DM to let you know you’ve been chosen and will guarantee the following in my review:

1. At least 3 full length paragraphs detailing a short synopsis, my immediate reader reactions, character thoughts, honesty, and comments on themes/lessons

2. I will also cross review on IG, Amazon & Good Reads for free. If you have another place you’d like me to review, just let me know in your submission form.

Please, only one submission per person. If you are one author with multiple books, I will only read one. If you are interested in me reviewing your work and you meet the conditions, fill out the Google form attached! I will be taking requests up until September 1st, 2023. Check out my Instagram Book Talk Tuesday posts if you would like samples on what my reviews look like! Thank you!

Link to Google Form

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